“Happiness is intentional.”

What Sun Tea Has Taught Me About Happiness

Travis Rappé
2 min readJun 11, 2017

I was drinking some sun tea that I made and my mind started wandering as it often does on the weekend and I thought about years ago when I was in the Marines. I have been dealing with a little bit of depression lately and I started to realize that sun tea has taught me a lot about happiness. Now, lets rewind to August of 2010 for a little bit.

I was a Company Commander in the Marines and preparing my unit to go to Afghanistan for a route clearance mission in southwest Afghanistan. We were training in Twenty-nine Palms, CA. If you are not accustomed with Twenty-nine Palms, it is in the middle of the Mojave desert and it is hotter than the devil taking a crap on a dumpster fire. We were out there for a month and I often found training to be far more miserable than combat because it has all of the discomfort but without the excitement and higher sense of purpose. During this month, I would take an old Gatorade bottle and put some canteen water, an MRE sugar packet, and Lipton tea bag in and set it out in the desert sun. After a long day of watching machine gun ranges or riding around in over-heating vehicles, I would return to the Battalion’s tent village and my tea would be ready, I would bury it to cool it down and drink it in the evening. It was the best part of my day. It was a happy moment. Even though it was still in the high nineties late at night, it was a perfect moment of my own making.

Late during my time in the Marines, I was often depressed and I still have my moments now. I don’t think I am chemically depressed like some. I just have experienced a “full life” and sometimes my mind goes to dark places. I had forgotten about what sun tea taught me. Happiness is intentional. Making a bottle of sun tea was planned. I created those moments for myself. Money could not have bought that experience. Happiness is a prepared state or experience. I have to put myself in position to be happy. This goes for my career, my life at home, etc. Sun tea taught me this. I can’t buy happiness but I can plan for it. It has to be intentional. Happiness isn’t the end of the trip but the small moments on the journey. Life will have enough stress, heart-ache, and chaos without me adding to it. I need to bank little moments of happiness when I can because no one knows when life will start swinging at you with all of its fury. Plan to be happy now, not years down the road. Thanks, sun tea.



Travis Rappé
Travis Rappé

Written by Travis Rappé

A&M Aggie. U.S. Marine. SMU Mustang. Marketer. I will always be patriotic about this country even when I ask it to be better. My opinions are my own.

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